A faster Laravel Lazy Query Method

Greg Hermo
3 min readNov 24, 2022


Taken from stackoverflow

When working with big numbers of data in MySQL (10M+ records) or 300GB+ sized database tables, we often would reach for lazyById or lazy

Laravel provides these wonderful tools to easily iterate through all the records. However there’s a limit where we can use these helpers.

LazyById aka “seek method”

At its core, lazyById uses both the the ID column and mysql limit to chunk the results.

select * from users where id > 1000 order by id limit 1000
select * from users where id > $lastId order by id limit 1000

This is quite powerful and should be enough for most cases. However, in my experience, it can also become very slow. For instance:

select `id`, `email`, `name` from linkedin_profiles 
where `credits` between 5001 and 99999999
and `active` = 1
order by `credits` asc
limit 1000

I am not quite sure why this is slow so I tried using different indexes.

  • order by id (Primary — id)
  • order by active (ix_active — active)
  • order by credits (ix_credits — credits, active) composite index

All these 3 columns are indexed but the fastest result came from using the ix_credits index. My hunch is because there’s a lot of data, using the composite index yielded the fastest result.

The issue with this though is that I cannot use the seek method since credits are not unique unlike ID.

Having encountered that I did check the helper lazy:

User::query()->whereBetween('credits', [50,99])->orderBy('credits')->lazy();

Lazy aka “offset pagination”

Lazy on the other hand uses offset and limit.

select * from users where id > 1000 limit 1000 offset 0
select * from users where id > 1000 limit 1000 offset 1000

The downside for this is quite known. The further your offset grows the slower the query becomes.

select id, name from users where credits between 50 and 99 limit 1000 offset 0
-- 197ms
select id, name from users where credits between 50 and 99 limit 1000 offset 100000
-- 11.1s

Late row lookup

This is where MySQL late row lookup comes in. Essentially we want to optimize our query by avoiding row lookups on the ones we already offset. This is explained very well on this page

This method gets the ID first and then we do a join query to get the columns we need. This eliminates doing row lookups beyond the limit we specify.

-- get IDs
with tmp as (select id from users where credits between 50 and 99 and active=1 order by credits limit 1000 offset 100000)
-- get columns
select u.id, u.name, u.email from users u join tmp on tmp.id = u.id

-- we can also write this as
select id, name, email from users u inner join
(select id from users where credits between 50 and 99 and active=1
limit 1000 offset 100000
) tmp on tmp.id = u.id

Personally, this has saved me and my team a lot of time processing large datasets. Here’s how it might look in Laravel.

$tmp = User::whereBetween('credits', [50,99])->offset(150000)->limit(1000);
$users = User::joinSub($tmp, 'tmp', fn ($join) => $join->on('tmp.id', 'users.id'))
->select(['id', 'name']);


Now here’s how a “faster” lazy implementation might look like in a Laravel model scope. Let’s call it latezyById

class User extends Model {


public function scopeLatezyById($query, $chunkSize = 1000, callable $q = null): LazyCollection
if ($chunkSize < 1) {
throw new \Exception('The chunk size should be at least 1');

return LazyCollection::make(function () use ($query, $chunkSize, $q) {
$page = 0;

do {
$clone = clone $query;

$tmpQuery = $q ? $q(clone $query) : clone $query;

$tmp = $tmpQuery->select('id as tmpId')->limit($chunkSize)->offset($chunkSize * $page);
$results = $clone->joinSub($tmp, 'tmp', fn ($join) => $join->on('tmpId', 'id'))->get();

foreach ($results as $result) {
yield $result;

} while ($results->count() >= $chunkSize);

->latezyById(1000, fn($q) => $q
->whereBetween('credits', [50,99])
->where('active', 1)



Greg Hermo
Greg Hermo

Written by Greg Hermo

Tech lead at ContactOut. Crafting software since 2008.

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